Thanks for taking a peek!

Here or there, taking time to place the written word that is in the air down on paper.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sleep, it is taken from me--by my racing MIND!

This summer has not given me rest! It has taken my mind to places that don't allow peaceful sleep. I have had many things on my mind lately. Often I feel my life is one big list, a post-it note, if you will, that I keep scratching events and tasks off of! Sometimes we just get so busy and go thru life making lists and then happily checking off the lists. Lately, my lists don't go away. They keep rolling around in my mind keeping my mind racing. Is it stress, worry or unnecessary WASTE of valuable time in life that cannot be gotten back. Whatever the title of this crazy past time-I do so need a rest from it. I went through this with great power and madness throughout my school year. It was no fun and I do NOT want to go down this road again. I feel I am slipping back to that place. I need balance and peace. My family brings this much needed groundedness!