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Here or there, taking time to place the written word that is in the air down on paper.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Some People!

Wow, I really thought we were all put here for the kids? Maybe I am mistaken. I thought we, the adults, are to guide and shape our children/grandchildren. The only way to do so is by spending time with them. Some people are not of that mind set. Clearly, they share different views on that topic.

I believe some people care more about themselves and all that they need to do for themselves. Sad, but true. I really wanted to vent way more about my ture feelings to some people, but I am already in such a rut right now. My "shine" is gone and I need to pick myself up and polish my mind up and off. Going into all that will only dig my gloomy attitude a bigger black hole that is truly lack-luster. UGH!

Missing myself and my honey.

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