Thanks for taking a peek!

Here or there, taking time to place the written word that is in the air down on paper.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Spring, a time for new beginnings and making Good Habits!

It has been some time since I last wrote, but what is new. I thought I better get in the habit of doing it since I will be taking a class this summer on HTML and becoming a Web Master. Maybe I will be able to practice and hone my skill with my new HTML knowledge on my blog site. We shall see. Anyway, spring brings new beginnings and therefore a reason to get into new habits. I must get in habit to floss, use my teeth whitener kit, jump rope, do sit ups and hula hoop, stay on my WW's plan, keep up with my summer on-line class, keep up with my blog, read my sister's blogs, scrapbook, do the boring laundry, dust and scrub toilets! Yikes, that is a long list of habits to undertake! Nevertheless, I must do them!!!!
I just finished reading my sisters blog and she is, and I say this all the time, a great writer. Many times I shake my head while reading her postings and think to myself, she is wasting her time; she really needs to be writing professionally. I hope she does that one day. Really, I do! She is a good model to follow for making it a habit, to keep up with the blog...for her it is a strong desire and therapeutic as well, I think. She is drawn to do it. For me, I love to do it, just like I love to read for pleasure, but far to often I don't make time for myself and just do it! Honestly, if I am sitting down for too long at night; I begin to think what should I be doing. Even while my husband and I watch TV there is always a pile of laundry or a project near by that I am doing while we sit. Many times he will say are you going to "JUST" watch TV with me? Put that down, it will be there in the morning....but what he hasn't figured out yet, is that is what I hate...waking up to a chore...straight away! to get on one of my habits! I hope you are working at or on one of your many habits, too!
Tally HO-

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Well, I have been running the roads since 9:00 a.m. this morning. First, off to G.F.E. to sneak a reminder letter in my oldest classmates homework folders regarding Teacher Appreciation Week. I ended up checking her homework folders just to help out and for basically dropping by unannounced. Thank goodness they were going out for a bathroom break and then recess. Then off to WalMart to pick up the last minute things for the American Girl Club activity for the day. Since it is the last day of clubs we are having a tea party for the girls and their dolls. I do hope they all have a good time. I know my oldest is super excited about the event. As the final activity they are going to be making the orange scented clove hanging ornament and maybe a Molly color page if time permits. We have really gone all out and for this round of clubs and the girls have been involved in many really neat American Girl Activities.
My youngest didn't sleep well last night and needed an early nappy and I am glad, as he will have to go with to the last club session and I want him to be in the best mood and on point with his behavior! One can only hope things will go well, once you have done ALL you can to make that very thing happen. We shall see how it goes. I am sure we will be fine.
I need to get cracking on my May calendar, as I feel very lost without it on the fridge! So, off I go for now! The warm weather didn't hang around for long. Today is doom and gloom; a good day for book reading and maybe a few crafts if time would allow for it. Unfortunately, my busy life only allows me to do what is needed at that given time, or shall I say whatever my calendar declares needs to be done, despite the wishes of book-reading or crafting!!!! Regardless, I am having a good day, accomplishing much and having fun with my little guy along the way! I hope you, too, are doing well and having a good one!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

So, Here I Go!!!

I was just on my sister's blog and I am so very impressed! Well, let me clarify which sister I am referring to, the youngest! She has redesigned her blog spot and I LOVE it! Both my sisters are really cool with making neat things happen with their perspective blogs. Another thing they do really well with their blogs is WRITE! Yeah, my youngest sister told me tonight that she wouldn't help me make my blog jazzy with music and such until I used my blog spot more and wrote! So, here I go, again!!!

I want to also take a minute to say I loved my youngest siste's painting she did for her roommate's birthday. What a wonderful gift from the heart and so very thoughtful, too.

OK, today was a busy day. I did loads of things around the house. My youngest and I did a lot of preschool prep today...puzzles, colors, shapes and ABC's and 123's and we rounded the time off with his fave "Reader Rabbit" computer game. He is a whiz with the computer mouse. I hope he is as quick to pick things in life like his daddy. On that note, today at my oldest t-ball game he was so into what his big sissy was doing, as per the usual. However, after the game was over he went on the field with daddy and had his sissy's bat in hand and slugged the ball off the tee 4 times in a row, without any help from his dad. No one has ever helped him or showed him what to do, he has just been soaking it all up at practices and games. Oh how his dad was beaming from ear to ear; I think I could just read his would go something like this...that is my boy, a doer, a thrill seeker, an adventurer, a slugger, a future athlete! I love that little tyke! Yeah, he is a proud papa! When we got home and started our nightly routines for shower, bath, teeth, stories and bed, my husband stole a moment away from the kids and asked if I saw my youngest on the field earlier that evening, and I said why yes, I did! I saw you both and I told him how the both of them looked so happy having fun out there! It truly was a moment in time that I wished I had a camera or maybe even a video camera, yeah that would have been much better!! Anyway, our kids grow up so fast. We should all enjoy it while we can. Heck, you may not believe this, but often I say out loud to my husband, I can't believe we have two kids and they are already 2 and 6! Wow, time flies by so fast. Hug and love your kids right now and always!

K, I also banged out a stack of really cool thank you cards for a group of awesome volunteers at my oldest school. The cards look really cool and I am so glad I got to make them rather than giving them a store bought one which the coordinator wanted to do. I feel like they take time out of their lives and give that time to us, the very least we can do is put a little time into a nice thank you! And so off I went and got them all done today! What a good feeling of task complete and task done for a good cause, too!!!

My day was complete with good family times, good deeds, and fun, too! I just wish I was a little more motivated to exercise more and EAT less sweets!! Lord, I pray for that strength and motivation I need to get myself healthy.

Oh, my husband, who is just a big kid, told the daycare kids that they could swim today. Yeah, he opened the pool two Sundays ago and it has been his hobby ever since. Well, I said no one gets in unless the water temperature was 75 degrees and our pool clocked it at 76. So, with great reservation I let them all go in for about 25-30 minutes and not one of them complained of being cold, and yet I saw one little bean pole of a sweet day care kid shiver her lips many times. She was the first to say she wasn't cold, but she too, was the first to get out!! In the end they all had fun and I suppose if I were a kid, I'd be excited about a pool opening and want to get in it too! Perhaps they were just simply giddy with excitement about being in the pool that they didn't pay any attention to the fact that they were a slight bit cold. Oh well, I hope no one gets sick and all is well with everyone for the next few weeks. I continue to remind everyone that all pools don't open until Memorial Day and then my big kid of a husband kindly reminds me that this is OUR pool and OUR rules rule!

Good night and we shall see what Wednesday has in store for all of us! And gosh it feels good to have an entry on my blog in the current month! Grins and Giggles~

Tally Ho