Well, I have been running the roads since 9:00 a.m. this morning. First, off to G.F.E. to sneak a reminder letter in my oldest classmates homework folders regarding Teacher Appreciation Week. I ended up checking her homework folders just to help out and for basically dropping by unannounced. Thank goodness they were going out for a bathroom break and then recess. Then off to WalMart to pick up the last minute things for the American Girl Club activity for the day. Since it is the last day of clubs we are having a tea party for the girls and their dolls.
I do hope they all have a good time. I know my oldest is super excited about the event. As the final activity they are going to be making the orange scented clove hanging ornament and maybe a Molly color page if time permits. We have really gone all out and for this round of clubs and the girls have been involved in many really neat American Girl Activities.

My youngest didn't sleep well last night and needed an early nappy and I am glad, as he will have to go with to the last club session and I want him to be in the best mood and on point with his behavior! One can only hope things will go well, once you have done ALL you can to make that very thing happen. We shall see how it goes. I am sure we will be fine.
I need to get cracking on my May calendar, as I feel very lost without it on the fridge! So, off I go for now! The warm weather didn't hang around for long. Today is doom and gloom; a good day for book reading and maybe a few crafts if time would allow for it. Unfortunately, my busy life only allows me to do what is needed at that given time, or shall I say whatever my calendar declares needs to be done, despite the wishes of book-reading or crafting!!!! Regardless, I am having a good day, accomplishing much and having fun with my little guy along the way! I hope you, too, are doing well and having a good one!
1 comment:
I am so proud of you, with your music and such. I will help you set up a playlist and what not, like I have on mine if you want. I'm like a proud mama.
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