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Here or there, taking time to place the written word that is in the air down on paper.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer Almost Gone for Me!

All play and no school has been the theme this summer! Well, that is all about to come to a screeching halt! But interestingly, I am looking forward to getting back to our school routine. I know the kids need it, because they are plucking each other's nerves. Lord help us all!

To reflect, it has been a busy fun-packed summer of travels and camps. The oldest started summer off with golf camp with her cousin and grandpa. She also did a few softball clinic sessions in the evenings with her grandpa at the same time as the golf camp. That pooped her out for shizzel! The youngest missed her dearly during that week, but he had Vacation Bible School to keep him busy in the mornings! They hit the Paints and Pots shop a few times and made some really cool things! We have been up to Williamsburg to visit the ever popular BG and spent a few hours there this summer. We had some really fun birthday parities around here. Our big family trip was across the map to Arizona. We visited with family, witnessed a cool wedding, visited awesome Sedona, and many other interesting Arizona sites! And it goes without saying they have been in the pool until they are permanently wrinkled. Wosh, I am tired from all that jazz.

Soon fall ball will start and we will be off and running into another school year of after-school events and academics in and among all of it! Maybe we will enroll the youngest in soccer to keep him busy as well. We shall see what the new school year has in store for all of us.

I am excited to be teaching just one core subject this year. Less planning involved and less time away from family, hopefully! With that trade off, I have been asked by administration to chair the school advisory committee for one of the main tactics! This means a commitment of 20+ hours during, after, or before school with 40 folks under me! Yikes! I hope I can juggle the balencing act instore for me this coming year.

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