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Here or there, taking time to place the written word that is in the air down on paper.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Workin' OUt

Yes! I finally did it. My husband and I joined a gym just down the road on Wednesday evening and he has been 2 times and I only just went today! But I went, if you know what I am saying. I have felt like crap on and off since December 26th. I want to take back my body and health and today I did it! I got up off my rump and went straight to Fitness 19! I feel good! And I am sooooooo proud of my honey for joining and going too! I hope this is a turning point in both of our lives, health wise.

I guess this is a fresh start to the new year....getting in is a good thing.

Cheers and happy weekend!

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