It has been some time since I last wrote, but what is new. I thought I better get in the habit of doing it since I will be taking a class this summer on HTML and becoming a Web Master. Maybe I will be able to practice and hone my skill with my new HTML knowledge on my blog site. We shall see. Anyway, spring brings new beginnings and therefore a reason to get into new habits. I must get in habit to floss, use my teeth whitener kit, jump rope, do sit ups and hula hoop, stay on my WW's plan, keep up with my summer on-line class, keep up with my blog, read my sister's blogs, scrapbook, do the boring laundry, dust and scrub toilets! Yikes, that is a long list of habits to undertake! Nevertheless, I must do them!!!!
I just finished reading my sisters blog and she is, and I say this all the time, a great writer. Many times I shake my head while reading her postings and think to myself, she is wasting her time; she really needs to be writing professionally. I hope she does that one day. Really, I do! She is a good model to follow for making it a habit, to keep up with the blog...for her it is a strong desire and therapeutic as well, I think. She is drawn to do it. For me, I love to do it, just like I love to read for pleasure, but far to often I don't make time for myself and just do it! Honestly, if I am sitting down for too long at night; I begin to think what should I be doing. Even while my husband and I watch TV there is always a pile of laundry or a project near by that I am doing while we sit. Many times he will say are you going to "JUST" watch TV with me? Put that down, it will be there in the morning....but what he hasn't figured out yet, is that is what I hate...waking up to a chore...straight away! Ugh.....off to get on one of my habits! I hope you are working at or on one of your many habits, too!
Tally HO-